Tuesday, June 5, 2012

in · san · i · ty

The word "insanity" is defined as, "the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness."

Let me tell you, I must have been in a mentally ill state when I decided to start INSANITY.

"Insanity is a workout regimen similar to P90X in that it claims to improve fitness in 60 days through strenuous stamina training. Developed by Shaun T., Insanity's advertising emphasizes "max interval training", a method of exercising during which one works out strenuously for 3-4 minutes and then rests or "cools down" for approximately 30 seconds before starting the whole process over again. This is essentially a reversal of traditional interval training, during which participants exercise mildly for 3-4 minutes and then exercise strenuously for 30 seconds."

I decided to do this workout program for a number of reasons:
1) To get in shape. Plain and simple, I'm really out of shape.
2) It provides routine. I tend to start working out pretty well for a couple weeks and then I just stop. A workout program motivates me to be exercising every day.
3) It will challenge me. I also tend to do what's easy for me when I workout. I'll run for a little bit, but not too long and not too fast. And when I lift weights I often avoid that parts of my body that are weak.
4) To feel better about my body.
5) Part of me is doing this just because I want to be able to say that I got through it and did not give up. Maybe that's bad, but it's true.

I officially started yesterday. All I had to do yesterday was take the "Fit Test." First there was a warm-up (which pretty felt like a workout from the start). Then, there was a series of exercises that I did one at a time for one minute each. For instance, one of the exercises was called a "suicide jump" (lovely name, right?). You start by quickly bending down and getting into a push-up position and then getting up and jumping up. And you repeat that...over and over again for as many times as you can do in a minute. And there were eight exercises like these. There was a 30 second break between each exercise. It was honestly SO HARD. I am incredibly out of shape and I must say, I felt like I was dying to some degree. And when the workout was over, I sweating like mad and I wanted to throw up. Now granted I haven't worked out since the end of April. (Nice, I know.) But all the same, it was hard. And even if I had been in shape it would have been hard because you have push yourself to your limit. I will take the fit test several more times through the 60-day program to see how my results improve as I get faster and stronger.

Today was Day 2. Today's DVD was "Plyometric Cardio Circuit." Holy cow. So tiring. I had to rest a LOT and I could not keep up with it, but I know I will improve with time.

The name of this workout program is a perfect description of it because it truly is insane. And maybe I am insane because as tough as it is, I cannot wait to continue with it and challenge my body in ways that I could not do on my own.

Tomorrow's workout is called "Cardio Power & Resistance." Should be a fun time. HA.

I'm also excited to be challenged in other insane ways this summer through my job, through the Word, and through relationships. I can't wait to share some of those things as well.

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." -Colossians 2:17

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